An Enthusiastic Response to “Black Armed Joy”

January 29th, 2022 by haterscafe

Here we have a response that was emailed to us with the author asking us to publish it on our site. We saw no reason not to do so as we hope to see more critical engagements (they don’t always have to positive!) with Black Armed Joy. Of course, we want to emphasize this does not necessarily align with the views of the “haters collective”, we are not the authors, and we have no intention to speak for the author.

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Black Armed Joy: Some Notes Towards a Black Theory of Insurrectionary Anarchy

January 18th, 2022 by haterscafe

Note from haters cafe: This essay was submitted to us by a group of Black anarchists that wish to remain anonymous, the haters collective are not the authors. As always, you can find a zine version of this essay here, please feel free to print and distribute it.

Pour une traduction française, cliquez ici

This essay is dedicated to the memory of our revolutionary elder, theorist, and warrior Russell Maroon Shoatz 

This essay was inspired partially by one of our comrades while we were discussing the failures of non-violence as a tactic and philosophy. She said something along the lines of “I was raised by radicals from the 1960s and 1970s. If you were a Panther and you got caught, you were doing something wrong”. The zine is a product of a variety of conversations among Black anarchists in the post-George Floyd rebellion  although many of these strands of thought have existed prior to this moment. We have three questions we hope to address in this zine.

What would an insurrectionary anarchist position thoroughly rooted in black radicalism and black revolt mean? How does the current white insurrectionary anarchist milieu fail? How can Black revolutionaries extend the insurrection?

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The Interregnum: The George Floyd Uprising, the coronavirus pandemic, and the emerging social revolution

January 7th, 2022 by haterscafe

This is a piece written collectively by a group called “Your Lazy Comrades” and sent to be published by Haters Cafe. A poster and zine of this text can be found here, please feel free to print and distribute this text.

Puedes leer la traducción al español en el proyecto CHUSMA CHUSMA

We believe that 2020-21 is a period of generalized social struggle that, for the first time in at least five decades, has pushed the so-called United States to the brink of revolutionary transformation. We have been thinking of this struggle as The Great Refusal*. We offer these theses as provocations and building blocks for further elaboration and action.

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The Most American President by Luci

February 20th, 2021 by haterscafe

On Saturday, June 21, president Donald Trump held one of his beloved rallies in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the first in many months. This rally served to prepare his re-election campaign and to boost morale for both his wavering supporters – and for himself. The rally, which was expected to attract more than one million, suffered from poor turnout.

Trump returned to the White House after spending just 3 hours in Tulsa. As he walked across the White House lawn, a reporter captured a picture of him. The picture displayed a Donald Trump that I had never seen before. His posture was hunched. His gaze was turned downwards. His eyebrows were furrowed as he frowned. His suit was unbuttoned to reveal his red tie hanging limply around his neck. He carried his signature red hat crumpled in his left hand.

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