Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Reportback: Reflections on January 26th, 2025 in Dallas

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Often people ask us what the radical landscape is like in DFW. Our response is usually a prompt and succinct “it’s shit” followed by how living here makes one of us feel constantly suicidal. Luckily, we received this reportback about a significant recent protest in Dallas that can help us paint a better picture of the situation in the city. As the level of protest described here represents a significant break from normality that’s noteworthy to write about, you can imagine what normality is like…

Either way we appreciate the description, analysis, and questions it raises. Of course, like most of the submissions we receive, we don’t agree with every point but it’s important to see these types of reflections and writing on situations outside the American metropoles.


10 Anarchist Theses on Palestine Solidarity in the United States

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

This essay was sent to us by way of a friend of the collective, we feel the moment we are currently in requires no further explanation. As always a zine version is available here

Traducción en Español | Traduction Française | Traduzione italiana

The strategy of solidarity reached its limits long ago. Solidarity today is an industry of conferences, lectures, book talks, and ritualistic protests—symbolic solidarity. The war on Gaza has exposed the clear limits on solidarity movements in the United States. Palestine solidarity is an extreme case in point in a much larger development of solidarity activism and politics.


Translation: “Statistics and sentiments” (on the riots of June 2023) by R.S.

Friday, July 7th, 2023

Originally published on July 2nd, 2023 in Des nouvelles du front under the title “Statistiques et sentiments” (à propos des émeutes de juin 2023) translated with reference to the Spanish language translation published on July 4th, 2023 by

Pdf flyers of this translation are available in US letter and A4 sizes

“When statistics penetrate the masses, sentiment becomes a material force.” – (Anonymous)

There will be no statistics.


Dreams of Black Revolt : A reflection on the 2 year anniversary of the George Floyd Rebellion and its meaning from a Black Anarchist

Friday, August 19th, 2022

This essay was sent to us our way by a friend of a collective member, we hope you enjoy the reflection and that it helps sharpen your analysis. As always a zine version is available here

Note: A lot of people seem to be writing about the rebellion. However, there aren’t enough black anarchist voices (or black revolutionaries in general) publicly reflecting on it. Our input matters the most right now in my opinion. Shoutout to the Anarkatas, Lorenzo, Saint from Haters, the comrades who wrote BAJ, and all my homies who I talk to about this stuff. I hope this gives yall a taste about what’s been on my mind the past two years. I’ve been involved in a variety of writing projects but this one is really just a mostly personal reflection on how I’ve been feeling. One day I’ll be back on twitter but I hope this one essay helps shape the discourse a bit more, haha. It isn’t meant to be a full critique of anything. It’s just a few ideas that been bouncing around in my head.


7 Reasons to Hate Election Season by Tanze Vatt

Friday, June 10th, 2022

This is a piece from the first issue of Haters Magazine, tho the author would write the piece differently if written now, they have decided to leave it unedited since some people have found it useful. You can find a zine version of the essay here.

It’s 2020, and it’s that time again. Election season—and hate is in the air. Finally, many leftists in favor of voting are beginning to slide away from this bias, hopefully ready to lay down the last vestiges of liberalism, or even move past the left. What’s more likely, however, is that a shiny new candidate—a Bernie 2—will come along and, provided elections continue, they’ll fall back into their old campaign-obsessed ways. This isn’t addressed to them alone. The following essay is also for those who ask, “Why wouldn’t you vote?”; who say it’s harmless; who say it’s a “strategy.”

Voting: it’s the reason for the season (election season). And we hate every second of it.


RIPPLES AND WAVES: Notes on Ukraine in the Long Crisis

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022

Traducción en Español | Traduction française | Deutsche Übersetzung

This long-form essay was sent to us for publication by “some communist study group“. It discusses the historical role of Ukraine in the contemporary political economy, the response from radicals in the West towards the Russian invasion, and the material effects on the global political economy emanating from the disruption of a major bread basket, specifically with an eye towards revolt. The questions raised here are important not just for the current moment, but also for any social movement that desires to truly engage with “present state of things.”

As always, a zine version is available on the zines and agitprop section. Please feel free to print and distribute as you see fit!

A Love Letter From the End of the World by Saint

Friday, April 15th, 2022

Zine version of this essay is available here 

The Apocalypse in Greek; simply means an unveiling. An unveiling of what was unseen and is now seen. Oftentimes apocalyptic writings come from religious and philosophical writers. Something that comes to my mind is in the Christian tradition in the book of Revelations where the writer tells of a vision he has that results in the end of the world. This idea of the Apocalypse in Christianity is tied to Jesus’s preachings of bringing God’s kingdom to Earth. This is something we see in Christian Cults all the time. Christian cults believe that the End of the World is here and they are the only ones that know how to survive it. The idea that everything is political is not a new one. Every aspect of our lives, even our crises, and ultimately the end of the World is political. I want to show how the Politics of the Apocalypse rules our lives; how anti-blackness, the state, and colonialism put us in a state of a constant Apocalypse, and one of the ways we can counteract this.


Another Response to Black Armed Joy

Thursday, April 7th, 2022
Here we have another response to Black Armed Joy that was emailed to us. We hope that it further continues the conversations sparked by the original piece. Again, we want to emphasize this does not necessarily align with the views of the “haters collective”, we are not the authors, and we have no intention to speak for the author.


Against Carceral Communism, For Abolition Communism! by Simoun Magsalin

Saturday, March 26th, 2022

Written for Haters Magazine by Simoun Magsalin. To be featured in the forthcoming second issue. Zine version is available in the zines and agitprop section.

This text is dedicated to the communists who are abolitionists and the abolitionists who are communists.


Fragments Against Reparations

Monday, January 31st, 2022

Some folks West Philly sent this zine to us to share around with friends and comrades. You can read the text here and download the well-designed pdf for printing here, and as always it’s available on the zine and agitprop section.

“This text is written with the intent to provoke critical discussion about reparations. Most of the criticisms of reparations that have been circulating have come from an anti-Black and often pro business as usual perspective. This text, instead, aims to criticize reparations as a way of moving towards Black liberation.”

You can contact the author at this email: falsehope [atriseup [dot] net